Monday, December 7, 2015

I am cursed

To-go food is a gift. Who doesn't want to eat on their couch, in their pjs, not having to worry about decorum and class? We frequent drive throughs and pick up counters, partially because I am a theatre teacher and life gets CRAY, and partially because as much as I want to be Susie Homemaker and do meal plans and cook every night, it's just not my thing. 

So, naturally, take out is in our family DNA.

Well, for as far back as I can remember, I've noticed a trend with our take-out. It seems every time we order, no matter the situation, MY order is wrong. Every other person has their order perfect: 

"I need a hamburger with double cheese, mustard, pickles, onions and half fries half tots" YES! "Grilled chicken nuggets, not too grilled and diced" SURE! "Salad with no lettuce, dressing half and half and a bar of gold" ABSOLUTELY! "6 count of nuggets and a small fry" Fries? What are fries? Heres 4 nuggets and some apple slices.

It's become so frequent that it's comical. I used to get angry, furious even (the no hash brown incident of 2013 is one that will live in infamy), but then I thought MAYBE I was being "punished" for my bad attitude, so I lightened up. It didn't work.

So I've decided to start a blog. To chronicle all of the times my food is wrong. Because, well, I think its hilarious.

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